Tag Archive: PGL

The Lobbycast: Episode 285 with Geoff, Jordan and Brick

LobbycastGeoff | August 21, 2014 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

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Geoff, Jordan and Brick talk about the Star Wars sequel, Fantastic Four, GamesCom Awards and, of course, run down The Weekly Whatchas. The music in the audio program is “P5hng Me A wy” by Linkin Park.

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Movies, Music, Podcast, Sony, Television TAG: , , , , , , , ,

The PGL Lobbycast is Back on iTunes! Rate and Review!

LobbycastGeoff | July 11, 2013 | COMMENTS:No Comments »



Folks, we truly appreciate your patience with all of this iTunes nonsense.  To recap, iTunes wasn’t polling our feed after the hosting migration.  I tried resubmitting the feed, but iTunes was rejecting it as being a duplicate.  The problem there is that the podcast wasn’t showing up in searches of their service.  It was really frustrating!  The day before yesterday, I did my regular re-submission, fully expecting the same result (not insane) and the feed was accepted and approved!

Here’s where we need your help:  This show is now, for all intents and purposes, brand new to iTunes.  We need you to rate and review the show in order to get us back in the mix and into more peoples’ ears.  Will you do that for us?  Thank you!




Category: Entertainment, Mobile Devices, Podcast TAG: , , ,


Peench | March 2, 2013 | COMMENTS:7 Comments »

Anyone remember these?


Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft TAG: , , ,

Please welcome our new (dream)host

Peench | January 17, 2013 | COMMENTS:8 Comments »

Okay so I’m not entirely sure that I did this correctly so for now I’m keeping my fingers crossed.  If I did everything correctly I signed up for new hosting at Dreamhost (2 year package for $214.80 – $8.95/mo) and I created and them imported the old database and then I uploaded the old files.

I didn’t upload our old forum so that link in the last post won’t work anymore.  I was trying to figure out what the actual IP address was for our site to see if we could get to it that way but I can’t figure it out.  Perhaps someone with more knowledge of these things can figure it out.  If so then I’ll hold off on canceling our old hosting so we can get to the old forum and grab some of the old posts.  If not, then we’re old postless for now and we’ll just have to forge ahead and create new information and posts here.

While I think the site is resolving to the new host (I updated the DNS settings on our domain about an hour ago), I can’t be certain. When I ping pregamelobby.com I am still getting a reply from Site5 so this one is up in the air for right now.  BUT, shortly after I changed the DNS servers I was able to access the new site on the new host and I’m pretty sure we’re on the new host now.

Anyway, I’m pretty excited I didn’t screw anything up too badly (other than perhaps not giving you all enough time to grab old posts from the old forum – SORRY!) and that we’re back up and running on a new host without too much difficulty.  In fact, I’m pretty proud of myself considering I really have no idea what I’m doing! haha!

Oh yeah, one other thing. When we switched to the new host we lost all of our old PGL email accounts. If you had one, email me at my gmail account (yes, it is peench), and let me know what the settings were and I’ll re-create it. Thanks!

Alright, enough rambling from me for now.  Start poking around and let me know if anything seems broken so I can try to fix it.  If all is good then we’ll forge ahead with our new host Dreamhost and leave Site 5 behind us!

Category: Entertainment TAG: , ,

Farewell Site 5

Peench | | COMMENTS:4 Comments »

So our current host, Site 5, decided that they would rather spend more money trying to sign up a new customer than accommodate an existing, long standing customer.  With diligent follow up on my part I forced them to respond this morning.  Even though I was promised that the response would be an actual response, it was not.  Here’s the bullshit answer I received:

I have examined your resource usage and unfortunately at this time, it has not stabalized from the changes you have made. We will need a few days worth of usage before we can provide you with a reliable recommendation. I see that you are looking to change packages before the 25th and I believe we can should be able to provide you with a reliable recommendation by the 21st.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.


Collin Simmons
Server Health Manager, Site5.com

I’m not sure what they expected in terms of stabilization since that is not what they asked of us.  I’m in a chat session with them right now giving them one final chance and if they don’t move us today then screw them.  I’m tired of wasting my time trying to save us as one of their customers.

If they don’t move us today I’ll sign up for hosting at Dreamhost tonight and make the settings change on our domain right away.  It might take a few hours or whatnot to populate and I’m not sure how we’ll move all the posts and the site itself, but we’ll figure that out.

In the meantime, for those of you who wanted to save posts from the old site, please go to the old site HERE and copy any posts you all want and save them and email them to me so I can post them when we’ve moved to the new host.

Thanks you all!

Category: Entertainment TAG: ,