
Peench | March 2, 2013 | COMMENTS:7 Comments »

Anyone remember these?


Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft TAG: , , ,

7 Responses

  1. Avatar photo LobbycastGeoff says:

    Sweet! I thought that those were a great idea!

  2. Avatar photo Peench says:

    I have quite a few of them still. I think I’ll display them soon. If I get around to putting them up I’ll post a photo here. 🙂

  3. Avatar photo LobbycastGeoff says:

    Some of them are worth a nice chunk of change

  4. Avatar photo Peench says:

    Shortly after I got my GOW faceplate at E3 (I think Crippler got one too), it was going for over $1000 on ebay. Crazy!

  5. Avatar photo zoomzoom71 says:

    Where can I buy one of those?

  6. Avatar photo breathofj says:

    I sold my GoW faceplate for like 200 bucks on Ebay. I waited too long to get the monster money. I loved it, but at the end of the day, it was a piece of freakin plastic for the front of a console. That’s what I told myself to make me sell it.

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