About Us

adminPGL | January 12, 2013 | No Comments »

We started out as a simple forum geared towards older gamers who couldn’t quite fit in with the twitchy, fast-paced game play of today’s youth.  We migrated from a home theater site so most of us had a home theater background and the newer consoles fit right into that thinking.  We built up the site through the forums for several years and then they slowed down.  The slow down was probably the result of quite a few things but Facebook certainly ranks pretty high up there as a means by which many people share things these days (since it is so easy).

We’ve had a podcast called the Lobbycast for several years now with a new episode EVERY WEEK!  The Lobbycast covers all manner of entertainment and if we don’t say so ourselves is pretty darn entertaining.  Give it a list or subscribe through iTunes or Microsoft Zune/Music.

At the beginning of 2013 we scrapped our forums as they were simply too difficult to manage and maintain and we started up this new version of PreGameLobby using WordPress as a backbone.   We intend to focus on entertainment with the Lobbycast being our flagship.

If you are interested in contributing, please let us know. Thanks!

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