Tag Archive: iTunes

The PGL Lobbycast is Back on iTunes! Rate and Review!

LobbycastGeoff | July 11, 2013 | COMMENTS:No Comments »



Folks, we truly appreciate your patience with all of this iTunes nonsense.  To recap, iTunes wasn’t polling our feed after the hosting migration.  I tried resubmitting the feed, but iTunes was rejecting it as being a duplicate.  The problem there is that the podcast wasn’t showing up in searches of their service.  It was really frustrating!  The day before yesterday, I did my regular re-submission, fully expecting the same result (not insane) and the feed was accepted and approved!

Here’s where we need your help:  This show is now, for all intents and purposes, brand new to iTunes.  We need you to rate and review the show in order to get us back in the mix and into more peoples’ ears.  Will you do that for us?  Thank you!




Category: Entertainment, Mobile Devices, Podcast TAG: , , ,