Speed Tests?

LobbycastGeoff | February 12, 2013 | COMMENTS:9 Comments »

Home PC

Droid Razr Maxx

Category: PC TAG: , , ,

9 Responses

  1. Avatar photo Peench says:

    I’m jealous! Here’s mine from home PC:


  2. Jagger says:

    Hrm. Sorry for the blank response, what tags are allowed in these comments anyway?

    Result –

  3. Avatar photo LobbycastGeoff says:

    Wow, Jagger! That is some impressive speed that you are getting there!

  4. Avatar photo LobbycastGeoff says:

    I went in and added a couple of plugins that improve the overall functionality of the comments. There is now an image upload button, but I didn’t see anything right off to insert image URLs.

  5. Avatar photo Peench says:

    It doesn’t look like they are tags, just normal HTML. I edited your post so your image would show up. Hopefully the plugins Geoff added will help. Thanks!

    • Jagger says:

      HTML is what I used in my blank message, but it posted up blank. Perhaps I just typo’d or lack the permissions to include HTML in comments or something. [shrugs]

  6. Avatar photo Peench says:

    Strange. We will have to figure that out. Sorry!

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