Latest hosting update

Peench | January 14, 2013 | COMMENTS:1 Comment »

Happy Monday everyone!  I got a response back late last night from the hosting company.  They said they reviewed the usage over the prior 24 hours and indicated that it would qualify for shared hosting at the reduced rates we discussed.  They also said they’d come back to it in 3 days to make sure the usage didn’t increase and then would let us know.

I didn’t take too kindly to that response as we’ve done everything they asked so far and there is really no way that the usage will increase in the near future (and if it does in the far future, we’ll deal with it then).  I asked them to review the site and get it moved to a shared plan no later than Wednesday of this week.  We’ve been with them since 2005 and they’re don’t really seem to be making an effort to keep us as a customer.  I don’t like being in a state of limbo and unfortunately have to fly out of town next week so I have to resolve this stuff this week.

They responded back and indicated they had escalated to a manager for a review and response.  I’ll keep you all posted.  I guess for the time being it won’t hurt to start things up.  I’ll see what I can grab from the other site and start moving things over and start posting things here.  I’ll let you all know when I hear back from their management and if need be we’ll simply move hosts.  Since the new database here is pretty small it wouldn’t be too difficult to back it up and then install it somewhere else if we absolutely have to.


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One Response

  1. lovekeiiy says:

    Why not get one of the fellas be a proxy for you when you’re out of town. Soneone who’s been there for a long time and trust. It’s not like it has to be permanent.

    We’ll make sure to get a lot of spambots to keep the tracffic flowing for you, LOL.

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