E3 2016: The Bethesda Softworks Press Conference

LobbycastGeoff | June 12, 2016 | COMMENTS:No Comments »

Bethesda E3 2016 Press Conference

Wow! Bethesda killed it today! They had some very impressive things to show and they did a great job delivering it.

They started off with Quake: Champions, a new arena shooter designed for competitive play.

This one will be PC only, but it’s great to see a new Quake title after all of these years. This reveal was a great way to start off their show.

Next up is The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a collectible card game coming to iOs, PC and Android later this year. The game is currently in public beta and announced that they will be inviting more people in soon, so sign up! https://legends.bethesda.net/?locale=en

Fallout 4 is definitely the game that has received most of my limited gaming time. I’m currently on a Survival playthrough and it is no joke. I was happy to see that more content is coming my way… and I haven’t even played Far Harbor yet!


On top of that, you will find a little Fallout: Shelter update in there, including quests and the news that the game is coming to PC. How will the PC version handle the drug dealeresque nature of the mobile notifications?

While this next bit was heavily anticipated and rumored to be announced, it was still great to see the confirmation. Elder Scrolls Skyrim is coming to PS4 and XB1, complete with mod support and updated visuals.

Bethesda then announced a new? IP. I don’t believe that this has anything to do with the previous Prey titles. It looks interesting, but we’ll see.


More Elder Scrolls news! Actually, it’s not so much news as just more about a known thing, but whatever. We’re always glad to see it.

They also announced One Tamriel, an addition to the current ESO that will allow players of any level or faction to play together.

This next bit has no video, but Doom and Fallout 4 are being shown off in VR at the show and those titles are coming to the HTC Vive platform next year.

And last, but certainly not least, is the big chunk of Dishonored 2 info. First is the trailer:

And then some gameplay footage!


I wasn’t a fan of the original, but I know that it was an extremely popular title. I’m proud to know someone that got the achievement for beating the game without killing anyone. It may have been our very own Erin!

We’ll catch you tomorrow with news from Microsoft, Ubisoft and Sony!

Category: Entertainment, Gaming, Microsoft, Sony

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