It is time to resurrect the PGL Dynasty for NCAA 14, and from the sounds of it, it looks like we could get some original owners back!
Ok, I think we are looking at a dynasty were we all start out as coordinators on 2-star schools, six minute quarters, and play on All-American. Now, I know that is kind of a jump from how we usually start our leagues, but I think it ok to lose games (heck, I am a Cowboys fan). Then we can gradually build our coaches up in rank, and then move on to bigger and better jobs. It moves along pretty good clip, in last years game I was an OC and North Carolina for two seasons, OC at Oregon for one or two seasons, then HC at LSU.
Anyways, chime in here, or on Xbox Live if you are joining up. Here is a quick list of the 2-star schools to start out at:
Arkansas St (77 OVR)
Ball St (79 OVR)
Bowling Green (74 OVR)
Central Michigan (72 OVR)
Colorado (79 OVR)
Colorado St (72 OVR)
Connecticut (81 OVR)
Duke (79 OVR)
East Carolina (84 OVR)
Fresno St (81 OVR)
Hawaii (77 OVR)
Indiana (81 OVR)
Kansas (81 OVR)
Kent St (74 OVR)
Marshall (74 OVR)
Maryland (86 OVR)
Miami (OH) (72 OVR)
Minnesota (79 OVR)
Northern Illinois (79 OVR)
Ohio (79 OVR)
Rice (75 OVR)
Southern Miss (74 OVR)
Temple (81 OVR)
Toledo (81 OVR)
Troy (75 OVR)
UL Monroe (75 OVR)
Utah St (75 OVR)
Wake Forest (83 OVR)
Wyoming (75 OVR)